بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين ، وصلّى الله
وسلّم على رسوله الأمين ، وبعد:
We would like to announce the commencement of Dawrah
al-Imaam al-Mujaddid Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) in
Dates: From 22nd
November 2014 to 27th November 2014
Time: After Fajr, ‘Asr and ‘Ishaa
Location: Masjid ut-Taqwaa (A.C)
Books: Usool uth-Thalaathah of
Shaykh ul-Islaam Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhaab
Ahkaam ul-Janaaiz wa Bida’uha
Speaker: Ustaadh Aboo ‘Abdillaah
Salmaan Rasheed
The lessons are broadcasted live from Masjid ut-Taqwaa and
can be listened via our
The audio files will be made available from the blog after
the Dawrah Inshaa Allaah.
We ask Allaah to accept this from us, to benefit us, and to
reward all those brothers (including Ustaadh Salmaan Rasheed) who have helped
in this. Aameen.
وصلّى الله وسلّم على نبيّنا محمّد وآله وصحبه
أجمعين ، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين