بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين ، وصلّى الله
وسلّم على رسوله الأمين ، وبعد:
By the
mercy and help of Allaah, we are finally able to publish the audios of Dawrah ‘ilmiyyah
4 onto our blog. Please click the download link to listen the lectures. If you
want to download to your device, please click on the download link and then
select “save link as” or of that meaning.
Lecture 1:
Title: Introduction (Dawrah Iftitaah kurun)
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 04th June 2015
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 04th June 2015
Lecture 2:
Title: Respecting the people of knowledge (ilmuge
ahuluverinnah gadharu kurun)
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 04th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 04th June 2015
Lecture 3:
Title: Anger (Rulhiverikan)
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 05th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 05th June 2015
Lecture 4:
Title: Explanation of the Book of
Fasting from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree ge Roadha aai behey
fothuge Saharaha)
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Masjid at-Taqwaa
Date: 06th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Masjid at-Taqwaa
Date: 06th June 2015
Lecture 5:
Title: Love (loabivun)
Ustaadh: Muhammd Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 06th June 2015
Ustaadh: Muhammd Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 06th June 2015
Lecture 6:
Title: Explanation of the Book of
Fasting from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree ge Roadha aai behey
fothuge Saharaha)
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 07th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 07th June 2015
Lecture 7:
Title: The Month of Ramadaan – Part 1
(Ramadaan Mas, furathama bai)
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 07th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 07th June 2015
Lecture 8:
Title: Explanation of the Book of Fasting from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (Saheeh al-Bukhaaree ge Roadha aai behey fothuge Saharaha)
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Masjid at-Taqwaa
Date: 08th June 2015
Lecture 9:
Title: Explanation of the 35th
Hadeeth from the 40 Hadeeth of an-Nawawee – Part 1 (Nawawee ge 40 hadeeth ge
therein 35 vana Hadeeth ge sharaha – furathama bai)
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 08th June 2015
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 08th June 2015
Lecture 10:
Title: Respecting one’s parents and
elders – for children (Mainbafainnaa bodethi meehunnah ihthiraam kurun –
kudakudhinnah haassa dharus)
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Aboo Bakr School
Date: 08th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed
Location: Aboo Bakr School
Date: 08th June 2015
Lecture 11:
Title: The Month of Ramadaan – Part 2
(Ramadaan Mas, dhevana bai)
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 08th June 2015
Ustaadh: Aboo Anas Muhammad Hassan
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 08th June 2015
Lecture 12:
Title: Explanation of the 35th
Hadeeth from the 40 Hadeeth of an-Nawawee – Part 2 (Nawawee ge 40 hadeeth ge
therein 35 vana Hadeeth ge sharaha – dhevana bai)
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 09th June 2015
Ustaadh: Muhammad Rifaad
Location: Masjid al-Maryam
Date: 09th June 2015
We ask
Allaah to benefit the Muslims from these audios and that He accepts our deeds
on the day when wealth and offspring will be of no avail.
وصلّى الله وسلّم على نبيّنا محمّد وآله
وصحبه أجمعين ، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين
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