Dawrah with Shaykh Dr.Abdullah Al Bukharee حفظه الله from July 15-21 2016.

Dawrah with Shaykh Dr.Abdullah Al Bukharee حفظه الله from July 15-21 2016.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

NEW AUDIO: Audio Recordings from Lectures during Ustaadh Salmaan's Visit

بسم الله ، الحمد لله ، والصّلاة والسّلام على رسول الله ، وعلى آله وصحبه ومن وآلاه وبعد:

From the abundant blessings of Allaah upon us in the recent days was the visit of our beloved Ustaadh Aboo ‘Abdillaah Salmaan Rasheed to Thinadhoo. During this short – yet very beneficial trip, he gifted us with three golden lessons full of reminders in manhaj, worship and brotherhood. Click the download images to download/listen each of the lectures. We would like to thank our dear brothers at www.salafi.mv for hosting these files on web.

Lecture 1: Explanation of the Hadeeth of ‘Irbaad bin Saariyah (may Allaah be pleased with him).

In this lesson, Ustaadh Salmaan read us the explanation of Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him). The lesson also contains a refutation of Adaalat Party (an ikhwaanee political party in Maldives) and Jam’iyyat as-Salaf (another Ikhwaanee group in Maldives).

Lecture 2: Some of the Benefits of Remembering Allaah

In this lesson, Ustaadh Salmaan reads certain passages from the tremendous book of Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim by the name “al-Waabil as-Sayyib min Kalimi at-Tayyib”. It also contains a reminder on being protective over one’s Salaah and specially the Fajr prayer. He also reads out some simple adhkaar which is lighter upon the tongue to utter, but has stupendous rewards.

Lecture 3: Brotherhood

In this lesson, Ustaadh Salmaan reads from the commentary of Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen on the forty Hadeeth of an-Nawawee, regarding the Hadeeth stating “Do not envy …….” It contains admonitions on keeping brotherhood ties strong, keeping away from evil jealousy, hatred, turning away from each other, not giving salaam and so on.

وصلّى الله وسلّم على نبيّنا محمّد وآله وصحبه أجمعين ، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين


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