Dawrah with Shaykh Dr.Abdullah Al Bukharee حفظه الله from July 15-21 2016.

Dawrah with Shaykh Dr.Abdullah Al Bukharee حفظه الله from July 15-21 2016.


بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين ، وصلّى الله وسلّم على رسوله الأمين ، وبعد:

The following are some important texts which are taught by the Salafee Mashaayikh and Students of knowledge in their gatherings. We decided to gather these links at one place so it is easy for the student to find them and use them in the classes which they attend. These are the texts that we have with us right now on this blog, but we will upload new texts randomly inshaa Allah. We ask Allah to benefit the Muslims by this deed of ours!

Link 1 : With Dhivehi Translations. The Dhivehi Translation was done by Ustadh Aboo Anas and published by the Salafi Publications of Maldives, and was specially prepared for the Dawrah with Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhaaree in July 2013. The text contains spaces to make notes.

Link 2: Only Arabic. This format was done by Thinadhoo Salafi Centre and contains no translation. It also has spaces to make notes.

Note: The two links above are two different narrations of the same text. The reader will find out that the two texts have minor differences in wordings. 

Link 1 : With Dhivehi Translations. The Dhivehi Translation was done by Ustadh Aboo Anas and published by Thinadhoo Salafi Centre, and was specially prepared for the Class that was continued after Dawrah 'Ilmiyyah 3 in the year 2013. 

وصلّى الله وسلّم على نبيّنا محمّد وآله وصحبه أجمعين ، والحمد لله ربّ العالمين


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